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Increase your income! Increase efficiency! Add value! Food enterprises choose the right packaging machinery, do not miss elinpack!


Increase your income! Increase efficiency! Add value! Food enterprises choose the right packaging machinery, do not miss elinpack!

Nov Fri,2022
Increase your income! Increase efficiency! Add value! Food enterprises choose the right packaging machinery, do not miss elinpack!

Food industry is the pillar industry of our national economy.

At present, the food industry of our country overall operates steadily.

Statistics show that last year, the national food industry, accounting for 5.9 percent of the national industrial assets, generated 8.1 percent of the operating revenue and completed 8.5 percent of the total profit.

As an important pillar industry of our national economy, the food industry plays an important role in ensuring people's livelihood, stimulating domestic demand and promoting related development.

The modernization degree of food machinery measures the development of a country's food industry, and plays a very important role in the value-added, income and efficiency of food industry.

At the present stage of the industry development, Chinese food machinery industry market prospects are broad, multi-functional, innovative, intelligent, scientific and technological is the main development direction and trend.

Dangerous organic, under the epidemic food machinery to welcome new opportunities

Food machinery is the mechanical equipment and device used in the process of processing food raw materials into food (or semi-finished products). It can be mainly divided into two categories: food processing machinery and packaging equipment.

Under the epidemic situation, all staff are isolated and under closed management. It is inconvenient to go out to purchase convenience food, dairy products, cocoa powder, milk powder, protein powder, coffee powder, chicken powder and chicken powder..... Such as fast - moving consumer goods in great demand, quality and quantity supply become the focus.

Under the background of new demand, how to enhance the intelligence and intensification of food packaging machinery and processing equipment becomes the top priority.

Food supplies are crucial in special times. In order to ensure adequate supply of emergency food, many food enterprises are working overtime to produce. At this time, the advantages of fast, convenient and efficient food machinery and processing equipment begin to highlight, which has played a strong guarantee role in the production of various FMCG products.

In turn, the epidemic will further promote the digital and intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry, bringing new opportunities for the development of the food machinery industry.

Technical Advantages

elinpack's typical ABP-580 automatic heavy bag bottom filling packaging machine was widely favored by users because it could solve the pain points in the powder packaging industry. It set a new technical standard in the industry, and the latest and highest technical standard ran through the design concept of the whole line.

Value of product

Stable, high quality, hygienic design;

Flexible and efficient, one key switch;

Long life, high MTBF;

Safe design, low energy consumption.

The main configuration are from well-known brands at home and abroad

(Image credit: elinpack)

Optional Supporting Equipment

Dust removal machine;

Flip loader;

Shaping machine, labeling machine, inkjet machine;

Gold checking machine, X-ray machine;

Check weight scale;


Conveyor belt;

Palletizing system: robot palletizing, set palletizing.

Main parameters

Measurement range: 10-25Kg

Measurement accuracy: ±10-30g

Package size: L750-1050, W450-580

Packing speed: 120-180bag/h (ABP-580, 1 filling)

210-300bag/h (ABP-580-2, 2 packs)

Who we are

Founded in 2010, elinpack is dedicated to powder packaging business, so as to solve the pain points of the industry, create social value and help the development of the industry.

At present, elinpack broke the monopoly of high-end equipment in the industry by developed countries (Germany, Italy and the United States), and was the first company in China that fully competed with international brands in the high-end market, and successfully entered the high-end market (Angie, Junlebao, Unilever, Nestle, Lesaffre, Rogate, International Spices, Lee Kum Ji, Lanxess, DSM, etc.)!

elinpack is your first choice for long term investment with first-class powder packaging equipment, the best packaging quality and the lowest cost