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Elin Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd, as a manufacturer of Small Bag Packer


Elin Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd, as a manufacturer of Small Bag Packer

Apr Mon,2021
Elin Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd, as a manufacturer of Small Bag Packer
The emergence of more and more shopping supermarkets requires the packaging of goods not only to meet the safety of the packaging products’ hygiene, transportation, and storage. This is a basic requirement. At the same time, it is a basic requirement for packaging products, especially outer packaging products, to pass display shelves. Ease of display, brand emphasis, etc. all put forward higher requirements for commercial aesthetics. Therefore, the different manufacturing technologies and design principles of various packaging machines provide users with diversified choices.

If the packaging type of the pouch packaging is classified according to the appearance, it can be roughly divided into the following three main categories: three-side sealing, four-side sealing, and back sealing (or called pillow bag). Of course, on this basis, there are very rich varieties of deformation.

Elin Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd, as a manufacturer of Small Bag Packer, has always focused on the manufacture and design of vertical pouch packaging machinery.